Senin, 12 Juli 2010

the Creme de la crop ~ evita Nuh

. OH MY GOD!` who she??? wawwrrr make me curious ! I'm interest her now......!
fashionista Whoaaa!!!!! I love her very much!!!
Yeaaa! Okay toomuch. She is Evita Nuh, she just 11 years old, yes 11 years old, from Indonesia, and special thing from her is she has a thing called “Fashion Blog” AAAA what the hell is she? She so so so awesome! kenny love her style.. ;D. I was asking her on , and finally I know she is kind, cute, cheerful. Her sister help her to edited some photos of Evita...Like me see on fme, Evita usually called “chacha” whoaa... Special things again from her is her english totally perfect! I’m envy of course -_-. Ough if you wanna see how Evita Nuh, check her blog—-»

And now, I’m fans of Evita Nuh, CONGRATS ya evita you get one more fans!!! Lol :D

She's really amazing, you know...
aku sama sekali gak tau latarbelakang dia kayak apa. yg aku tau, blognya si Amazing Evita ini udah ada di PageRank 4, dan punya lebih dari 1000 followers. bayangkan!!!! she's only 11.
belom lgi kemampuannya pake bahasa inggris (dan skrang si Evita sedang belajar mandarin), membuat blognya juga dikenal di kalangan pemerhati fashion luar negri.

check her blog—-»
she's only 11
masih 11 tahun dan punya kemampuan yang sangat luar biasa. yg aku kagum... dia udah tau arah hidupnya mo kemana. ke bidang fashion dan photography. bayangkan saja... aku dulu 11 tahun masih goblok banget, masih hidup di jaman purbakala kali...

evita said = me, moi! I'm a girl and just turn 11 this year, ( yes people not 10 or 9 again, I'm 11! )

:D I'm all about fashion and photography, well i still got long road to walk... wish me luck ok! :D

she got the style.... she got the look!!!
Evita Nuh sangat tertarik pada Fashion dan Photography. tentu saja blognya The Creme de la Crop itu berisi tentang buah pikiran dan ide kreatifnya tentang dua hal tadi.

Buat Evita.... You Go, Girl!!!
teruslah menulis, teruslah foto-foto... teruslah berkreasi...
gak sabar menunggu beberapa tahun lagi, pasti dia sudah bekerja jadi fashion editor di majalah Vogue atau banyak terlibat di dunia fashion... di Milan atau London. semoga saja......

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